Empowered Cardology Services

There are many ways Cardology can empower you!

I offer Readings, Courses, Workshops and 1-1 Coaching. I'm happy to help you find the right fit for your desires in using this amazing tool to navigate and empower your life.

Cardology Readings

I offer Readings by time - they can cover any topic.


You can choose between 30 min or an hour.

* Readings are done through Zoom and recorded for you.

* I include any charts or other material suited for your needs.


* Once you have purchased the reading you desire, you'll receive an email to schedule it.


I provide several types of Courses.

If you like to dip your toes in the water and go it alone, you can!

Or, of you like to go deep and join others, you can do that as well!

-Cardology Overview Mini Course

A walk through the basics of your Life Path spread.

The Empowering YOU Program

Looking for a supportive community of Cardology lovers?

In our membership program, I teach those drawn to the cards how to not struggle with learning what each card means and how to own and apply their Life Path spread treasures.

Learning what each card means (like the nuances and all the juicy layers) can just feel like getting to know a group of amazing new friends and receiving gifts from them. Seriously.

Let me show you how.


"Excellent, highly recommended class. The access to and interaction with Ashley was wonderful and it made all the difference in the world. Very informative and it gave me a way to understand the cards from my own perspective and actually put my own spin on it, so it was pretty cool. The cards started to talk to me."

- Skye Frank

Empowered Cardology Cerification Course

1:1 Coaching

Working one-on-one is the most empowering way to move from where you are to where you want to be.

The women I work with are courageous and ready to have MORE in their life.

They are ready to stand in and own their authenticity, power and desires.

No longer willing to stand in the background and wish for things to be different, they know there are opportinitues, possibilities and potentials ready for them.

My goal is to help you dream bigger, own more and take the steps TOWARDS what you envision.

Let's uncover the YOU you want to BE!

You are unique, the blueprint you came to live is unique and through the tools of Cardology and Astrology, we bring that blueprint to life, to be used in a practical, beautiful, empowering way! Ready? Let's DO THIS!

Let's start with a chat to see what is best for you and your situation.

Thank you - once I receive the form, I'll email you with a link to schedule our chat.


Beautiful Charts to Understand YOU!

Your Birth card has with it an entire spread of cards and when you can see all of the cards in your Life Path spread within the Solar chart, you are viewing your place and potentials in it's entirety.


"Ashley leaves no stone unturned and offers a path for people to discover their strengths to achieve peace and make a difference. Ashley does more than just show you the cards. She tells you the story behind the cards and helps you recognize the truth behind the cards. She illuminates your gifts and helps you forecast into the future. She also does it with a big heart to provide transformation in the process. A must for anyone on the path of self-knowledge."

- Karen W.

Cardology Reading

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